Month: February 2013

  • Fork This DMCA Takedown

    Over the past few months, I’ve had to help several clients file DMCA takedown notices. Yeah, I think the DMCA stinks. But it’s also the most expedient option for squashing content scrapers and self-titled “curators” who don’t spend a lot of time worrying about things like attribution. Anyhow, because of this, I keep finding myself…

  • The Theme of Tomorrow, Today!

    The WordPress team just dropped what they’re calling their “first draft” of Twenty Thirteen into the wild. And while I know that it’s not a finished product yet, I like it so much that I’ve decided to use it here. At least for a little bit. Can you blame me? I mean, just look at…

  • The Standards Manual

    I’ve always had a very large soft spot for subway maps. Especially the one Massimo Vignelli did for New York City back in the 70’s. So when this NYCTA Graphics Standards Manual surfaced earlier this week I was thrilled. Hopefully I can get a little time to obsessively study it this weekend.