“You can’t “semi-release” your 1.0 just because you want it out there but aren’t yet finished. Being semi-released is like being semi-pregnant.”
This is the cleanest way I’ve seen to allow folks to send your links to del.icio.us, Digg, etc.
Author: Jason Cosper
Links for 2006-11-15
Factory Records: The Complete Graphic Album
This looks to be a wonderful history of all the artistic output of Factory Records — which was home to the likes of Joy Division, New Order, The Happy Mondays, Cabaret Voltaire and James.
If you know me, this might make a wonderful christmas gift… ;)
My New Morning Pick Me Up
While trying to recover from the Saturday night BarCamp party, I decided that I needed a little pick me up. It felt like it was too early for me to drink straight Red Bull — so I mixed it with some orange juice.
Man, I’ll be damned if that isn’t a tasty beverage. Seriously, you ought to give it a try sometime.
Links for 2006-11-12
Holy crap! The Jay-Z that he does is uncanny!
Links for 2006-11-09
Mmmm… Monte Cristo.
A blog comprised of one man’s rants on bad kerning.
Links for 2006-11-02
Nudie girls and classic gaming gear in calendar form. What more could you ask for?
These look like a bunch of fantastic MP3 blogs that are worth checking out. I’ll have to add them to my feed reader when I get a chance.
Fucking genius! I’m totally in love with the NWA paper, tho all of them are great.
Super dope drag and drop file transfer application from Ambrosia Software.
Links for 2006-10-25
No. 2 is November 11-12, 2006. You should go!
Hot Fuzz
Hells yeah! The teaser trailers for “Hot Fuzz” are online!
As a Simon Pegg/Nick Frost/Edgar Wright fan I honestly cannot wait for this film to come out. Does anyone have any idea when it’ll be released in The States?
P.S. Keep an eye peeled for the “Shaun of the Dead” hat tip towards the end — those of you in the know (My we’re condescending, aren’t we?) ought to get a kick out of it… ;)
So I’m letting the much buzzed Tangerine scan thru my Powerbook’s iTunes library (Don’t judge the Beyonce or Timberlake, okay?) so I can see how well it works at automagically building playlists based on BPM and beat intensity. From what I’ve read about it so far, it sounds promising — but we’ll see how well it works once I’ve had the chance to road test it by loading up the Shuffle for my evening walks.