Author: Jason Cosper

  • OPMLosAngeles

    So I was just thinking — it wouldn’t be an altogether horrible idea to get together an OPML or XOXO list of the BarCamp Los Angeles crew’s blogs, would it?

    If someone wants to work with me on getting this done, let me know!

  • Brick


    I finally managed to see Brick with Sarah this weekend — and I’d go so far as to say that it’s probably my favorite movie of the past year. Then again, I’ve always had a soft spot for film noir inspired work.

    Perhaps one of my favorite bits of the movie were the snappy, rapid fire verbal acrobatics. How rapid fire was it? Let’s just say that at times, the delivery would have made the Gilmore Girls head spin.

    Brad Bramish: Oh yeah?
    Brendan Frye: Yeah.
    Brad Bramish: Oh yeah?
    Brendan Frye: Yeah.
    Brad Bramish: Yeah?
    Brendan Frye: There’s a thesaurus in the library. Yeah is under “Y”. Go ahead, I’ll wait.

    Renting this totally made up for seeing “Snakes On A Plane” on Friday…

  • You Know, Legally…

    Yer gonna git what I'm givin' to ya!

    There are days when I really love my job. Today was one of them.

    P.S. If you think this is even remotely funny, please Digg the shit out of this.

  • links for 2006-08-09

  • Like A Virgin

    I’m not sure how I feel about the concept of a Reservoir Dogs Video Game, but I’m pretty sure that this commercial kicks loads of ass.

    P.S. This is totally NSFW — that is, unless your workplace is down with a advert containing a granny saying “dick” a lot.

  • Inquiring Minds Want To Know

    Before I go to bed, I want to dump one question out into the ether…

    What the fuck happened to Measure Map after Google took it and Jeff Veen off of Adaptive Path’s hands?

  • Links for 2006-08-06

  • WordCamp WiFi

    I probably could have put this on the last post, but I’ve just gotta say that the WiFi here is really quite nice. Much nicer than the conference WiFi that I’m used to, actually. Hopefully it stays nice thru the day.

  • WordCamp Sessions

    Just in case you want to say hey, here’s the sessions I’m going to try to be in at WordCamp:

    • 9:00am Widgets Showcase (Main Hall)
    • 10:00am Blog Promotion and Writing a Compelling Blog (Main Hall)
    • 11:00am State of the Word (Main Hall)
    • 2:00pm WordPress as CMS (Main Hall)
    • 3:00pm Blogs and Journalism (Main Hall)
    • 4:00pm High Performance WordPress (Second Room)
    • 5:00pm Microformats and Structured Blogging (Second Room)

    If you want to check out the other talks, you should probably peep the schedule for yourself.

  • Travel Sick

    After spending seven and a half hours on the road — three of which were in LA traffic I might add1 — I’m set up on the fold out at Frazier’s downright palatial Oaktown lair.

    Tomorrow is WordCamp, where Frazier and I will will be representing Hipster Mafia2. What that means is him and I are going to go to assorted talks and I’m going to give out business cards and act like a wanker3.

    If you see me in the hall and want to say hello or throw rotten fruit, walk over and do so.

    I’ll try to update a few times tomorrow as I sit in the sessions — but you know how it goes with me and promising to make updates, right? ;)

    1. OC to SF by way of Culver City is not something I’d call fun. But that 30 mile, one and a half hour detour netted me $130 and helped me get rid of my Sidekick II.
    2. That basically means Preshrunk — but we might have another property someday soon.
    3. Hopefully Arrington or Calacanis don’t magically appear and out-wanker me. That’d make me sad.