A very well done 1X web browser for those Mac folks that have one of those fancy Retina MacBooks.
A very well done 1X web browser for those Mac folks that have one of those fancy Retina MacBooks.
Solid documentation for the new YouTube & Twitter search/embed plugin, Media Explorer, which was just unveiled today.
Super clever implementation using WordPress 3.6’s revamped revisions to store plugin & theme edits.
An exclusive, moderated, by-application-only mailing list for people who do Enterprise WordPress work.
Sounds like the normally open WordPress community is going to just love this.
It looks like WordPress is getting date queries in 3.7. Fuck yeah!
First WP Daily was shuttered about a month ago. Now this happens. What the fuck is going on with these dudes?
Oooh. Me likey.
A lot of great, common sense best practices for WordPress developers from Mike Jolley.
Right now, this is only in the nightly builds of WebKit. But I’m still excited. Why? Well, srcset support in browsers inches the world that much closer to the glorious day where we don’t have to depend on fucking Retina.js anymore.
The guys from WebDevStudios are still thinking about refining the widget management process. And that’s a good thing!
I seriously hope this makes it into 3.8.