Sneaker people freak me out sometimes with their levels of obsessiveness — and that’s saying a lot seeing as how I’m a huge t-shirt nerd — but I’ve gotta admit that they pretty much have the whole display thing down pat.
Sneaker people freak me out sometimes with their levels of obsessiveness — and that’s saying a lot seeing as how I’m a huge t-shirt nerd — but I’ve gotta admit that they pretty much have the whole display thing down pat.
Bits like this remind me of why I adore ZeFrank as much as I do — but it’s not like I really need to look for reasons or anything.
It feels weird to post a SNL Digital Short that’s actually been uploaded to YouTube by NBC, but here it is in all its uncensored glory. Oh yeah, a big ol’ NSFW on this one BTW…
“I hear everybody that you know is more relevant than everybody that I know.”
Something that’s been really grinding my gears lately is the amount of comment spam that I’ve been seeing in my moderation queue. Despite the fact that I use the very wonderful Akismet for WordPress, sometimes it can’t keep up with the flood coming down the proverbial tubes.
Something’s that’s really helped is a little bit of .htaccess magic that one of my coworkers sent me. What it does is keep people from hitting your wp-comments-post.php unless they’re submitting the request from your server. Of course headers can be forged, but it’s really proven to be quite useful to me. Because of this, I thought I’d be a nice guy share it with y’all. Peep this…
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} .wp-comments-post\.php*
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !.*yourdomain.com.* [OR]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} ^$
RewriteRule (.*) ^http://%{REMOTE_ADDR}/$ [R=301,L]
Naturally, you’re going to want to replace “yourdomain.com” with your actual domain — but other than that, it’s ready to go. Since I spend a lot of my day helping folks troubleshoot their WordPress installs and .htaccess rules, I’d really dig it if you’d refrain from asking questions. That’s right, this spot of code is supplied “as is”, kids.
Leave it to YouTube to have two of the most awesome local television ads I’ve seen in a while. Seriously, both of these are fucking awesome…
White Porcelain
Norton Furniture
Would anybody care that much if I migrated this site to the much easier to spell — but nowhere near as creatively named — jasoncosper.com? Right now it’s mirroring this site, but I was actually thinking of doing a move in the near future.
I’d be sure to update the feed URLs with all of the proper redirects and keep Ono Sendai live for at least the next year if I did manage to migrate it over. Still, I thought I’d ask the half a dozen readers that I have before doing it… ;)
Update: *shrug* Fuck it, I’ve officially moved. All of your old feed URLs should work for the time being.
This is an amazing find! Stuff from the Park has posted a complete scan of a Disneyland Maintenance Department handbook from 1969. Since all of the images are on a single page, it’s not really suggested for the masochistic folks still on dial-up — but if you’ve got broadband and you’re as much of a Disney fan as I am, it’s totally worth a look.