Tag: books

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.16.20

    While I didn’t get to cut out of work early yesterday, I did get to drink a beer by the pool. And it was everything that I thought that it could be. Maybe I can do it again today, before I start whipping up dinner. 🤞🏻 P.S. I decided to try something new with the…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.13.20

    Alright, International Brotherhood of Indoor Kids! How about we get back at it?! Ugh. Do we really have to though? Mondays were already tough, but Mondays in these times are like peddling a heavy mountain bike up the steepest hill you can think of from childhood in first gear. 😞 Guess I should stop pedaling…

  • Plimpton & Hemingway

    He keeps track of his daily progress—“so as not to kid myself”—on a large chart made out of the side of a cardboard packing case and set up against the wall under the nose of a mounted gazelle head. The numbers on the chart showing the daily output of words differ from 450, 575, 462,…

  • A Change Of Plans

    Due to the slightly hectic day that I had at work, I totally spaced on the fact that Cory’s LA book launch was tonight. Shit. I really wanted to go to that… I mean, I bought a copy of Overclocked so I could get it signed and everything. *sigh* C’est la vie.

  • Factory Records: The Complete Graphic Album

    This looks to be a wonderful history of all the artistic output of Factory Records — which was home to the likes of Joy Division, New Order, The Happy Mondays, Cabaret Voltaire and James. If you know me, this might make a wonderful christmas gift… ;)