Tag: geek dinner

  • Experimental Jet Set

    For somebody who spends most of his free time jockeying a laptop, I’ve actually got a semi-busy social week ahead of me: Tomorrow night is April’s BarCamp LA Geek Dinner at Shakey’s in Hollywood. While I’m not so much of a fan of Shakey’s grub, I’m really looking forward to hanging out with the BarCampers…

  • Sick

    Sore joints. Stuffy head. Tired. Bloodshot eyes. Yep, I’m straight up sick… Of course this means that I’m not making it to El Cholo tonight. Sorry BarCampers! I’ll catch you next month, I guess.

  • Last Minute Social Calendar Reminder

    Another month, another LA BarCamp Dinner. Tomorrow’s is at the venerable Canter’s Deli. If you’re in Los Angeles and not doing anything, why don’t you come join us? We’d be happy to have you!

  • OPMLosAngeles

    So I was just thinking — it wouldn’t be an altogether horrible idea to get together an OPML or XOXO list of the BarCamp Los Angeles crew’s blogs, would it? If someone wants to work with me on getting this done, let me know!

  • Geek, It’s What’s For Dinner

    Just a quick note for all of you LA BarCampers who didn’t migrate themselves over to the Google Group… Plan to be in the Hollywood area the evening of April 18th, sometime around 8pm. Heather is trying get a Geek Dinner together. If you’re interested in joining us, please go RSVP. P.S. Does anyone else…