Tag: open source

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.14.20

    It’s been one of those “lowkey overdo it on CBD, listen to white noise for five hours, and try to get work done” sort of days. Y’all have those too, right? 😬 Zooooom.us A macOS screensaver that simulates an increasingly absurd Zoom call. I’ll stick with Brooklyn — lest I give myself an anxiety attack…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.03.20

    Welcome to the maiden flight of the passing fancy! Inspired by my old friend Cory — and our current global pandemic — I’ve decided to blow the proverbial cobwebs out of the corners and try something new. Well, sort of new. When I was running this site on Blogger back in the early 2000’s, I…