Search results for: “gilmore girls”

  • Catching Up Is Hard To Do

    I just realized that it’s been weeks since I’ve caught an episode of House or Gilmore Girls. I wonder if it’s even worth trying to get back up to speed at this point.

  • Fresh Episodes

    So, Gilmore Girls is back — and after watching the season opener, I’ve gotta say that I’m mildly pleased with the show under its new management. The Rory/Lorelai interplay is still mostly there, and that’s one of the things that keeps me coming back. Some of their conversations missed a little of that Amy-Sherman Palladino…

  • Scheduling Conflicts

    It’s no secret that I loves me some “Gilmore Girls“. So while I’m excited to see the show come back, I’m also sad that I have to make a choice between it and “House” as of next week. I guess BitTorrent and my brother’s roommate’s TiVo will have to fill in the blanks for me…