I really need to do this with all of the t-shirts that I have. Hanging them for extended periods of time leaves little peaks in the shoulders, which sucks.
Clunky but handy Python script that adds Bittorrent support to the iTunes Podcatcher by way of a local proxy. I’ll wait for the pretty OS X version though…
Leave it to the gang at Seibei Industries to innovate on the classic Easter egg hunt.
Author: Jason Cosper
Links for 2006-04-18
Unfocused Group
So while I love the look and feel of Hemingway and it seems to be working okay on Preshrunk, I think I’m going to need to go elsewhere for my templating needs. It’s nothing personal, honest… The only breakdown is the fact that I really need to start throwing some ads up1 but every tweak I make to Hemingway ends up not looking as elegant as it should. I’ve toyed with the idea of going to a standard 3 column layout, but I’m also getting pulled in the direction of running a yogurt template2 with ads after every second or third post.
Since I know that some of the regular Preshrunk readers happen to check in on this site too, I was hoping I could get some smaller scale feedback. So, what do you lot think I should do?
Any feedback y’all can give me would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!
P.S. “Don’t run ads” is not an acceptable answer. Most of the feedback I got from everyone seemed pretty receptive to the idea of a few tastefully done ads on the site, so that matter is closed.
- Not because I want to, per sae. I’m just trying to make working on the site a little more lucrative for my broke ass.
- Culture [posts] on top, fruit [navigation] on the bottom. You know, like those single column layouts that all the cool webloggers seem to be flocking towards3.
- Okay, maybe “yogurt template” is not that awesome of a term — but it seemed cool at the time… *shrug* Whatev.
Links for 2006-04-14
I don’t really need a high capacity battery for my Powerbook – but I’d sure as hell like one. Once I get a job again, I am so buying this.
Holy jesus!
Output Rotation, Input Translation
Does anyone else find it funny that Google Calendar outputs its data in iCal but doesn’t work with Safari?
*shrug* It’s par for the course, I guess…
Ravenous Panda
Whenever this Milky Way commercial comes on, I always get a little sad because the guy ends up eating his tiny girlfriend. I mean, dude, the girl called you a buffet of manliness and all you can do is laugh and bite her in two? Fucking savage…
Links for 2006-04-13
Nice, clean, basic 3 column WordPress theme.
Another clean and simple take on a 3 column WordPress layout.
Links for 2006-04-12
“Following the collaborative theme of wikis themselves, this sign requires two people to throw.”
Links for 2006-04-11
I seem to remember seeing a similar shirt somewhere else…
Oh, that’s where I’ve seen it before. Interesting. I wonder what La Fraise thinks about this…
Hrmph. Shouldn’t Sean get royalties for inventing this?
The original. Accept no imitations, yo.
Sean’s take on the blog gang sign getting used on a t-shirt.
Update: The La Fraise/All Tribes thing has been cleared up in the comments.
A Brief Observation
Man, Akismet gives me boners. Aside from a few false positives the other week, it’s working wonderfully. In fact, I think I’ve only seen two or three bad comments slip thru to the moderation level.
I thought dealing with the flood of spam would be a lot worse than it was when I decided to flip comments on over at Preshrunk — but it’s actually been a cakewalk so far. Of course by saying that, I probably just invited loads of trouble my way… *shrug*
Links for 2006-04-09
Neat Tetris clone for OS X with network/bonjour support.