Category: Geekery

  • Experimental Jet Set

    For somebody who spends most of his free time jockeying a laptop, I’ve actually got a semi-busy social week ahead of me:

    • Tomorrow night is April’s BarCamp LA Geek Dinner at Shakey’s in Hollywood. While I’m not so much of a fan of Shakey’s grub, I’m really looking forward to hanging out with the BarCampers again.
    • Friday brings the Helvetica screening at USC. I managed to pick up a ticket when they were announced — and it would seem that I have to pay $25 at the door as I didn’t have to pay anything when I RSVP’ed. Part of me is debating going to the Laguna Beach screening instead tho. Tickets are still available for the 9PM show and they’re only $15 via PayPal. Decisions, decisions…
    • Sunday morning, I hop a flight to Oakland for a well deserved micro-vacation in San Francisco. It’s really more of a weekend trip than a vacation, but I’m going to be doing my fair share of relaxing. My Monday afternoon is spoken for — I’m supposed to be getting lunch with Andy (and hopefully Leonard) on the Yahoo! campus — but if you’re up for hanging out, drop me a direct message on Twitter (or an IM for that matter). I’ll try to squeeze in some face time with as many folks as I can before I see LCD Soundsystem with Frazier on Monday night and fly home for work early Tuesday morning.

    See? That’s a busy week for the likes of me — but I’m looking forward to it…

  • Make Internet TV

    If you’ve ever had the idea for a show or video blog bouncing around your head and you didn’t quite know where to start, you might want to take a look at Make Internet TV. The gang over at The Participatory Culture Foundation have done a really great job getting a nuts and bolts how-to guide together. Seriously, it’s enough to make me want to set aside a weekend to start a video blog.

    I’ll admit tho, I’m really not sure who would want to watch the ideas making the rounds in my brainpan. Then again, even the stupidest videos on YouTube have at least a couple views… *shrug*

  • Please Advise

    Since I work primarily in support, I read a lot of email day in and day out. After a while you start to pick up patterns. One day, my coworker Mike P. started to notice that an awful lot of folks finished their emails with the phrase “Please advise.” So much so that he started to keep a tally with a red sharpie and a piece of printer paper behind his desk.

    Every time somebody in the office would get a message that contained the terse ending, we’d holler a “Please advise!” in the direction of his desk and he’d get to tallying. Mind you, this is a guy who knows perl and has access to our internal database. He could write a script to keep a running tally if he wanted to — but it’s just more fun for us to do it this way.

    So in the interest of flogging a dead horse, I’ve gone ahead and crafted the “please advise” shirt. The plan is to wear it into work at semi-regular intervals for a good laugh every now and again. Well, at least until it stops being funny. I guess I’ll have to string it out if I want it to have any staying power.

    Now I just have to figure out what to do with all of these left over letters…

  • March Madness

    Yeah, that’s seriously my cell bill from the last month.

    Thanks to Twitter — and more importantly, my Twitter friends at SXSW, BarCampLA and eTech — I recieved a whopping 2185 texts to my phone this last billing cycle. That’s kind of a lot, isn’t it?

    Anyhow, I’m really glad that T-Mobile gives me an unlimited text plan as part of my Sidekick services. I’m pretty sure that I’d be turning off notifications right now if they didn’t…

  • Apple And EMI Drop DRM

    The best part (to me at least) about Apple and EMI’s DRM free deal is the news that full album prices are still going to stay the same. That is to say that the price will remain around the $9.99 mark — but your purchase will apparently net you the DRM free 256 kbps AAC versions of the tracks.

    Now I don’t know about you, but that gives me loads more incentive to start buying full albums thru iTunes. Well, you know, so long as I like most of the tracks on an album. That’s still going to be a big deal for me. Still, this whole announcement is a step in the right direction for online music.

  • BarCamp LA 3 Next Weekend!

    Heads up! The 3rd installment of BarCamp LA is coming up next weekend (March 24th & 25th, 2007) at Little Radio Warehouse in Downtown LA. For those folks who’ve never been to a BarCamp before, it’s a completely free conference (with meals, snacks and beer) where the schedule is open for the attendees to give presentaions on topics they are passionate about. Want to talk about Microformats or web frameworks? Great! Is teaching folks yoga or how to mod their Wii more your speed? That’s totally awesome too!

    As with most 2 day BarCamp type events, everyone’s encouraged to stay overnight — so bring your sleeping bag and your laptop — if they’re so inclined. If they do, they’re in for a geekfest that’s guaranteed to last until the wee hours of the morning at the very least.

    So if you’re going to be in the LA area that weekend, I’d really love to see you there. Feel free to sign up on the wiki and throw your name on the list at Upcoming.

  • I’m Not Even Supposed To Be Here Today

    I don’t even like first person shooters all that much — but when I swung by the office to drop off my weekly groceries, I ended up getting roped into a LAN game of Quake 3. Despite the fact that I totally suck at first person shooters, I have to admit that it was actually kind of fun.

    Why Quake 3? Well, it’s one of the only games that the Mac, Linux and Windows people in the office can all play without too much trouble. If it’s cross platform, who really cares if it’s 8 years old?

    I’ll probably stick with my DS Lite in the long run. Still, the occasional pick-up game might be nice to blow off some steam every now and then.

  • A Change Of Plans

    Due to the slightly hectic day that I had at work, I totally spaced on the fact that Cory’s LA book launch was tonight. Shit. I really wanted to go to that…

    I mean, I bought a copy of Overclocked so I could get it signed and everything. *sigh* C’est la vie.

  • Multitouch Madness

    Oh. Holy. Crap. After watching this video I’m convinced that multitouch interfaces are the wave of the future. I seriously can’t wait until stuff like this is manufactured and sold with end users in mind. [via]

  • Checklist For My Day Off

    Done! Charge DS Lite so I can play some Castlevania: Portrait Of Ruin.
    Done! Pick t-shirt for tonight’s Preshrunk post.
    Done! Write tonight’s Preshrunk post.
    Done! Find and download last 5 episodes of my guilty pleasure via BitTorrent.
    Not done! Watch as many of episodes of said guilty pleasure as I can in an attempt to catch up.
    Done! Go get a haircut.
    Done! Be so unhappy with your new haircut that you go home and shave it all off.
    Done! Vow to never go to that salon again.
    Done! Change sheets.
    Done! Make much needed Ikea run.