Category: Geekery

  • WordCamp Sessions

    Just in case you want to say hey, here’s the sessions I’m going to try to be in at WordCamp:

    • 9:00am Widgets Showcase (Main Hall)
    • 10:00am Blog Promotion and Writing a Compelling Blog (Main Hall)
    • 11:00am State of the Word (Main Hall)
    • 2:00pm WordPress as CMS (Main Hall)
    • 3:00pm Blogs and Journalism (Main Hall)
    • 4:00pm High Performance WordPress (Second Room)
    • 5:00pm Microformats and Structured Blogging (Second Room)

    If you want to check out the other talks, you should probably peep the schedule for yourself.

  • My Twttr Ponies

    Like any good internet beta whore, I just started using twttr. And while it’s pretty cool and rather promising, there are a few things that I really wish it had…

    1. For starters, a simple JavaScript based badge would be nice. While Flash is nice for some things, I really don’t think I need to load it to tell the world I’m having a beer or going on a walk. Also, it’d be nice if I didn’t have to recode my template to fit it in.
    2. RSS/Atom feeds wouldn’t hurt either. I know it’s supposed to be mobile phone based, but it really would be nice if I could give my feed out to folks instead of making them use twttr’s service to follow me around. Keeping track of my friends would be much less irritating too… ;)
    3. The ability to turn off “update sent” notices being sent to your phone. Yeah, I know I just sent an update. I appreciate that you want to let me know that my friends got my message and everything, but that’s really sort of unnecessary. Well, at least I think it is. *shrug*

    I’m really not trying to be a curmudgeon, honest. I just think that this stuff would take twttr from being a novel application to something I actually use frequently.

    P.S. Like, OMG! Add me!
    P.P.S. According to Jack — who happens to be the dude behind twttr — ponies #1 and #2 are already being worked on. Hooray!
    P.P.P.S. What’s more, pony #3 is a non issue. Apparently the “update sent” message only gets sent to your phone on your first message. Sweet!

  • Debatable Upgrades

    Now that it’s out, I want to upgrade to the Sidekick 3 so very badly — but I’m a little put off by the $299 with a 2 year contract price.

    Does anyone want to buy my Sidekick 2?

  • And Then I Found A Job

    After looking for a job for damn near 3 months, I’m happy to report that I’ve been offered — and tentatively accepted — a position with DreamHost.

    I say tentatively because I’m still waiting on an offer letter from a colocation facility up in Los Angeles which I interviewed at a few weeks ago. It’s supposed to be in my inbox sometime tomorrow — but I’m not going to do much more than consider it unless they manage to do better than the proposal I was given this afternoon.

    To be perfectly honest, this couldn’t have come at a better time. Despite saving up for such a scenario, both my former employer and the EDD have given me the runaround on collecting unemployment. And what I mean by the runaround is that I haven’t managed to collect a cent of it since I filed for it months ago.

    I was very fortunate that I saved what I could before I was let go — which wasn’t very much I might add — and could pare back my expenses to live off of it for two months before I had to beg and take temp jobs. Also having a lovely girlfriend who was extremely understanding about having to cut back on what I could spend when I came out to see her was rather helpful. Even if it meant taking the occasional weekend off from one another and cutting back on our entertainment budget, she was a total trooper.

    Not a lot of girls are willing to deal with spending a lot of time watching bad cable TV and DVDs with their recently unemployed, long distance beau whenever they do manage to get a weekend together — especially if they haven’t been dating for all that long. Despite all that, I’d be willing to say that spending all that time together cuddled up and making fun of the crap we watched between loving on one another probably managed to bring us closer together. *shrug* The heart works in mysterious ways, right?

    But I digress… As of next Tuesday, I’ll be amongst the gainfully employed again. I’m hella excited at the opportunity I’ve been given — but to be perfectly honest, as jazzed as I am about the job, I’m just as excited that I’m going to be doing my job from a proper Apple workstation. Yeah, I’m going to have a company issued Mac on my desk. And while I don’t really need one to do what they’re hiring me for, they just wanted to make sure that I was working with an OS that I was comfortable with.

    Man, I can tell that I’m already going to like working here…

  • Why Bloggers Love Handheld Computers

    Why Bloggers Love Handheld Computers

    While it may not be a handheld computer per se, this is the exact reason I bought a Sidekick.

    Oh Drew, you sure do have my number…

  • Graduation

    It looks like Flickr has finally managed to make it out of Beta!

    So does this mean they’ve gone 1.0? Nope. They moved on up to Gamma.

    *sigh* Those cheeky bastards…

  • Delete Yourself! You Got No Chance To Win!

    Don’t you hate it when you go and do something stupid?

    I was planning on taking a few of the business card templates that I designed last week and releasing them. But as I poked around my hard drive, I realized that they’d gone awol. Turns out I’d deleted them when I went thru a fit of desktop cleanup on Monday.

    Guess it’s time to dust off that copy of FileSalvage

    Update: Well, FileSalvage was no help. *shrug* C’est la vie.

  • Unfocused Group

    So while I love the look and feel of Hemingway and it seems to be working okay on Preshrunk, I think I’m going to need to go elsewhere for my templating needs. It’s nothing personal, honest… The only breakdown is the fact that I really need to start throwing some ads up1 but every tweak I make to Hemingway ends up not looking as elegant as it should. I’ve toyed with the idea of going to a standard 3 column layout, but I’m also getting pulled in the direction of running a yogurt template2 with ads after every second or third post.

    Since I know that some of the regular Preshrunk readers happen to check in on this site too, I was hoping I could get some smaller scale feedback. So, what do you lot think I should do?

    Any feedback y’all can give me would be greatly appreciated. Cheers!

    P.S. “Don’t run ads” is not an acceptable answer. Most of the feedback I got from everyone seemed pretty receptive to the idea of a few tastefully done ads on the site, so that matter is closed.

    1. Not because I want to, per sae. I’m just trying to make working on the site a little more lucrative for my broke ass.
    2. Culture [posts] on top, fruit [navigation] on the bottom. You know, like those single column layouts that all the cool webloggers seem to be flocking towards3.
    3. Okay, maybe “yogurt template” is not that awesome of a term — but it seemed cool at the time… *shrug* Whatev.
  • Output Rotation, Input Translation

    Does anyone else find it funny that Google Calendar outputs its data in iCal but doesn’t work with Safari?

    *shrug* It’s par for the course, I guess…

  • A Brief Observation

    Man, Akismet gives me boners. Aside from a few false positives the other week, it’s working wonderfully. In fact, I think I’ve only seen two or three bad comments slip thru to the moderation level.

    I thought dealing with the flood of spam would be a lot worse than it was when I decided to flip comments on over at Preshrunk — but it’s actually been a cakewalk so far. Of course by saying that, I probably just invited loads of trouble my way… *shrug*