And Then I Found A Job

After looking for a job for damn near 3 months, I’m happy to report that I’ve been offered — and tentatively accepted — a position with DreamHost.

I say tentatively because I’m still waiting on an offer letter from a colocation facility up in Los Angeles which I interviewed at a few weeks ago. It’s supposed to be in my inbox sometime tomorrow — but I’m not going to do much more than consider it unless they manage to do better than the proposal I was given this afternoon.

To be perfectly honest, this couldn’t have come at a better time. Despite saving up for such a scenario, both my former employer and the EDD have given me the runaround on collecting unemployment. And what I mean by the runaround is that I haven’t managed to collect a cent of it since I filed for it months ago.

I was very fortunate that I saved what I could before I was let go — which wasn’t very much I might add — and could pare back my expenses to live off of it for two months before I had to beg and take temp jobs. Also having a lovely girlfriend who was extremely understanding about having to cut back on what I could spend when I came out to see her was rather helpful. Even if it meant taking the occasional weekend off from one another and cutting back on our entertainment budget, she was a total trooper.

Not a lot of girls are willing to deal with spending a lot of time watching bad cable TV and DVDs with their recently unemployed, long distance beau whenever they do manage to get a weekend together — especially if they haven’t been dating for all that long. Despite all that, I’d be willing to say that spending all that time together cuddled up and making fun of the crap we watched between loving on one another probably managed to bring us closer together. *shrug* The heart works in mysterious ways, right?

But I digress… As of next Tuesday, I’ll be amongst the gainfully employed again. I’m hella excited at the opportunity I’ve been given — but to be perfectly honest, as jazzed as I am about the job, I’m just as excited that I’m going to be doing my job from a proper Apple workstation. Yeah, I’m going to have a company issued Mac on my desk. And while I don’t really need one to do what they’re hiring me for, they just wanted to make sure that I was working with an OS that I was comfortable with.

Man, I can tell that I’m already going to like working here…



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4 responses to “And Then I Found A Job”

  1. cacouno

    Gook luck! ;)

  2. Tom Bridge

    Jason, this is just awesome news, I am so excited for you!!

  3. Andy

    Congratulations! I’m sure it was pretty tough going not getting unemployment benefit, but at least you were responsible enough to put some savings away.

  4. caroline

    send me a mail sometime and let me know how things are going.