Tag: work

  • CMD + Conquer

    When I started over at WP Engine earlier this week, a brand new MacBook Air came into my possession. It’s very pretty and lightweight and I kind of love it more than any other computer I’ve ever owned. So much so that I made the decision to break with my normal tradition and keep this hot…

  • Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

    Hey. How’s it going? I’ve got some pretty major news that I’ve been sitting on for a while now, but the time has come where I can finally share it. Ready? Okay. Here we go… After October 26th, I will no longer work with the very amazing and inspiring people at DreamHost. Considering that I’ve been…

  • Goodbye Horses

    So I’ve been helping a few folks out with a Trojan that has been cropping up in a handful of WordPress installs as of late. Currently, it has been getting noticed by the good little girls and boys on Windows with virus scanners installed.  When visiting an infected site, most folks are being prompted to…

  • The Return of Eraserhead

    It might be a time for a trim when, after the company holiday party, your boss wanders into your office and says: Jason, it’s great to see you upright with your head on straight.  [long pause]  Your hair still must be drunk tho… Oh hat head, I hate you so.

  • Downtown’s Secret Community Pool

    Today, the coworkers decided to celebrate the birth of our country a day early by grabbing a quick lunch by the pool at The Standard and taking a post nosh dip. Apparently, all you need to do to swim in the rooftop pool is buy a drink or grab a bite to eat. Had I…

  • Flagpole Sitta

    Having a sort of meh hump day? This lip dub of Flagpole Sitta should brighten things up for you a little bit. It’s honestly one of the better lip dubs I’ve seen in a while. After showing it to a few coworkers, some of us are plotting our own crazy awesome DreamHost lip dub in…

  • Please Advise

    Since I work primarily in support, I read a lot of email day in and day out. After a while you start to pick up patterns. One day, my coworker Mike P. started to notice that an awful lot of folks finished their emails with the phrase “Please advise.” So much so that he started…

  • I’m Not Even Supposed To Be Here Today

    I don’t even like first person shooters all that much — but when I swung by the office to drop off my weekly groceries, I ended up getting roped into a LAN game of Quake 3. Despite the fact that I totally suck at first person shooters, I have to admit that it was actually…

  • Now Hiring

    Hey there all you crazy Bay Area kids! My work is looking for a programmer for our fledgling satellite office up North. So if you’ve got what we’re looking for, you should totally go apply.

  • You Know, Legally…

    There are days when I really love my job. Today was one of them. P.S. If you think this is even remotely funny, please Digg the shit out of this.

  • War… What Is It Good For?

    Taking a Nerf dart straight to the eye and having it suction on is no fun whatsoever. Despite apologizing profusely, the coworker who did it to me will pay dearly… P.S. Don’t worry, I’m not blind or anything. Things are just sort of blurry out of my left eye. P.P.S. Actually, my vision’s cleared right…

  • Fireworks

    As I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling, Piccolo Petes shriek briefly before exploding loudly. Part of me is wishing that I didn’t volunteer to take that shift at work tomorrow.

  • Say What Now?

    I received this communique in my fortune cookie at the Chinese place today — and I’m still trying to figure out what the hell it means. It doesn’t even make sense if you add “…in bed” to the end of it! P.S. Is it bad when your boss chuckles and says, “I’m sure you can…

  • She Took The Midnight Train Goin’ Anywhere

    What sort of karaoke joint manages to have stuff by Journey without having “Don’t Stop Believing” or “Separate Ways” in their book of available songs? Despite having a fantastic time drinking and partying with my awesome new coworkers at City Cat Karaoke Studio last night, that one thing still sort of bugs me this afternoon.…

  • All Up In Your Nameplate

    Despite working a handful of desk jobs over the past 7+ years, when my coworker set my nameplate on my desk today, I felt like I’d finally found my way to my first real grown-up job. Shortly thereafter, I played a celebratory round of Super Puzzle Figher on the office MAME cabinet… ;)

  • And Then I Found A Job

    After looking for a job for damn near 3 months, I’m happy to report that I’ve been offered — and tentatively accepted — a position with DreamHost. I say tentatively because I’m still waiting on an offer letter from a colocation facility up in Los Angeles which I interviewed at a few weeks ago. It’s…