Category: People

  • My Dear Sarah

    Seven years after our first date, I’m still so happy to have found you. You make every day — even the really crappy ones — wonderful. Happy first date anniversary, baby!

  • Han Sparato Per Primo

    Even though we have about 20 prints that need framing and hanging, Sarah got me this badass unofficial Italian Star Wars poster for our anniversary. It’s going to look super tight hanging over the desk in my office, isn’t it? Okay. You have no idea what my office looks like. But trust me, it’s going…

  • Nuxx Mug

    I am very jealous of Sarah’s new coffee mug…

  • Six Years On…

    It’s weird how, if you really think about it, you never really feel like yourself until you meet the person who completes you. The me that Sarah met, face to face, for the first time six years ago was a broken man. Unhappy about so many things. Feeling lost and listless and just sort of…

  • Goodbye, Betty Jean

    Shit. I just found out that my grandma Betty passed away this morning and I am absolutely gutted. I knew this day was coming and I tried bracing myself for it, but the very second I heard the news, my heart started to ache. Knowing that I’ll never get to see her smile or share…

  • Happy 1st Anniversary, Sarah!

    Sarah, This past year has been the best one of my life. I’m so happy that I get to spend every single day with you and Rowdy. I can’t think of a better person to wake up to in the morning or go to sleep with at night. You are my heart. You are the…

  • But a -1 to Actually Being Cool

    Me: You’re a Latina. You have a culture. I’m a WASP. Nerd culture is all I’ve got. Her: You’re grasping at straws. Me: I might be, but those straws are +2 to my constitution.

  • La La Love You

    5 years ago tonight, Sarah told me that she loved me. After all this time, it’s still one of the things that I play over and over in my head. And I smile every time I think about it. Happy St. Paddy’s Day, baby.

  • To My Loving Wife Sarah

    2010 was a pretty great year, wasn’t it? There’s no denying that the hectic rush building up to our beautiful wedding was a bit maddening for the both of us.  And I can still be a pretty hard person to get along with sometimes. But looking back on everything that’s happened, I’m happy we got…

  • Four More Years

    You know, Sarah and I started talking four years ago today. And while I’ve managed to make this a rough four years for the both of us, I’m happy that we’ve stuck with it. We’re getting married in the Fall and I can’t wait to start the next phase of our life together. In order…

  • In Transit

    Heads up, SF peeps! This weekend I’ll be driving up to the Yay Area for WordCamp to rep both DreamHost and Preshrunk in an official capacity. As it stands, I’m driving up Friday night and crashing out at Frazier’s secret headquarters somewhere in the East Bay. Since I don’t like being part of the problem…

  • Hands On Experience

    Jason: Are you too much of a lady to give a handjob? Sarah: Why should I give handies when I can give vaginies?

  • Experimental Jet Set

    For somebody who spends most of his free time jockeying a laptop, I’ve actually got a semi-busy social week ahead of me: Tomorrow night is April’s BarCamp LA Geek Dinner at Shakey’s in Hollywood. While I’m not so much of a fan of Shakey’s grub, I’m really looking forward to hanging out with the BarCampers…

  • Homecoming

    Sometimes people end up exactly where they need to be. I wish there were some sort of rhyme or reason to it. From what I can figure out tho, there is none whatsoever. Some folks claim that they might have the answer — but they’re merely trying to make the chaos fit inside a wonderful…

  • Plus One

    It’s time to mark the start of another year on Sarah‘s calendar. She’s now officially the age where she can get a break on her insurance and rent a car without any penalties. And while that’s kind of boring compared to the American porn/tobacco/voting age (18) and the booze/nightclub age (21), I still think its…

  • Nibbles The Goat

    Sarah tried to make friends with a goat over the weekend. The goat had other ideas tho…

  • Brand Recognition

    Speaking of art exhibits, Sarah and I took a day trip from Bakersfield last weekend to go attend Coop‘s Brand Recognition opening at sixspace. It was something that I promised Sarah that we could go do and I’m glad that I got the chance to take her to do it. As a reformed rockabilly, she…

  • Brick

    I finally managed to see Brick with Sarah this weekend — and I’d go so far as to say that it’s probably my favorite movie of the past year. Then again, I’ve always had a soft spot for film noir inspired work. Perhaps one of my favorite bits of the movie were the snappy, rapid…

  • Travel Sick

    After spending seven and a half hours on the road — three of which were in LA traffic I might add1 — I’m set up on the fold out at Frazier’s downright palatial Oaktown lair. Tomorrow is WordCamp, where Frazier and I will will be representing Hipster Mafia2. What that means is him and I…

  • Perfect

    What the fuck is wrong with me? I’ll tell you what’s wrong with me. I lie. To everyone. Tiny, intricate white lies that pile on top of one another until they fall over and crush me. Since I’ve never been one for being crushed, it’s time to start coming clean… I’m 28 years old and…