Category: Geekery

  • Geek, It’s What’s For Dinner

    Just a quick note for all of you LA BarCampers who didn’t migrate themselves over to the Google Group

    Plan to be in the Hollywood area the evening of April 18th, sometime around 8pm. Heather is trying get a Geek Dinner together. If you’re interested in joining us, please go RSVP.

    P.S. Does anyone else think it might be a good idea to take the RSVP and planning process back over to the BarCamp LA Wiki?

  • Web 2.0 This Ain’t

    While Socializer is a great idea, it’s a bit too fugly for me to every want to deploy on any of my sites. We really don’t need to see the graphics of each social bookmarking site, we just need to see the name of each site and a link.

    So does anybody want to make a prettier one? I’m pretty sure I know enough PHP to do a more elegant take on the idea — but I sort of have to be up by 6:45 tomorrow morning and I’ll be away from a net connection between then and late Sunday night.

    P.S. I’m not trying to be a dick or anything, honest. I’m just saying that site is sort of an eyesore, that’s all…

  • Lobbying For Dollars

    It’s settled… I’m crashing the lobby at Emerging Tech on Wednesday and Thursday to mingle with the big shot internet types and maybe get a few leads for jobs. If I can manage to weasel my way into a party or two, all the better… ;)

    So if you want to grab a cup of coffee or a bite while I’m in town, drop me a comment [or email/phone call/IM if you have that info] and we’ll see what we can do.

    P.S. Sean was nice enough to offer up the spare bed in his room at the very swanky W Hotel on Wednesday night. Much respect for that, yo.

  • Hollywood Shuffle

    Why the hell does Donkeylips from Nickelodeon’s “Salute Your Shorts” have three MySpace profiles?

    I just know that I’m going to spend the rest of the evening checking to see if child stars like Jamie from Small Wonder have the MySpace too. *sigh* I’m such a lameass sometimes…

  • Media Diet, Day 2

    It seems like the podcasts are figuring out how they can make me stop listening to them. No human intervention required. That’s so nice of them.

    Instead of being cryptic, I’ll mention that one of my favorite podcasts, The Ricky Gervais Show is going to a pay for play model. And as much as I think that Ricky, Stephen and Karl deserve to get paid — I really can’t justify throwing down $7 a month to listen to it.

    *shrug* Oh well… Sorry guys.

  • Media Diet, Day 1

    I’m down to 125 feeds from the 250 plus I was subscribed to. While I was hoping to trim the number of them down to well below 100, this is a good start. The next step is figuring out which feeds I skirt thru more often than I read and getting rid of them too.

    Next up is weeding thru the podcasts I listen to so I can figure out which ones I should ditch…

  • The Process Of Weeding Out

    Coming back to over 1200 unread items in my feed reader, 4 hours of podcasts and 70 some odd unread emails after a mere 81 hours away makes me think that I might need to go on a media diet.

    As Merlin would say, I’m tired of being lead around by my inputs. The question is, what do I pare back?

  • Expired Film

    FYI: The 99 Cents Only Store is a wonderful place to pick up recently expired 35MM film. In fact, I just picked up 5 rolls of Fuji Superia [24 exposure, ISO 100] that had a “process before” date of September 2005 for 99 cents each.

    So while I do know that expired stock can give some funky results, I’m sort of curious as to how old the film should be before I start using it. You know, for maximum effect…

    Suggestions anyone?

  • Upgrades

    How mediocre a week are you having if the best part of it is that you’re thrilled that you woke up on Thanksgiving morning to find your phone has new firmare waiting to be installed on it?

  • Bit Rot – 11.10.05

    + Garrett went and got uppity about the web design buzzword du jour, realign. Seriously dude, right the fuck on.

    + Wikipedia’s List of British English words not used in American English ought to come in handy eventually.