Category: Links

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 05.18.20

    And it keeps coming and it keeps comingAnd it keeps coming ’til the day it stops LCD Soundsystem, Someone Great Sometimes, you get overwhelmed by life and let things fall by the wayside. You don’t mean to do it. It just sort of… happens. Eventually, you make it to the other side. But then you…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.27.20

    I wish weekends felt more like weekends and less like days where I’m not financially obligated to sit at my computer. I need something relaxing, but everything rn is stressful and weird. Usually, when I’m feeling stressed, I take a few days off, pack the dogs and Sarah into the Jeep, and head out to…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.23.20

    We’ve got a war on our hands, people. The springtime gophers that have taken up residence in our back yard have been going off this year. When I woke up this morning, I found at least four new mounds of varying sizes scattered about. Last year, a heavy blanket of Uncle Ian’s all over our…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.22.20

    We’ve got a big one today. The next post might suffer for it, but why should I sit on all of these tasty morsels and end up get scooped by the likes of Kottke and Waxy? πŸ˜„ Epidemic Lofi Let’s kick the day off on a chill note. This Soundcloud playlist from Epidemic Sound has…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.21.20

    Hrm. Today’s edition ended up being a bit rona heavy. Sorry about that. 😬 It wasn’t intentional, honest. I just went where the currents took me. If I could’ve posted about the ginormous bumblebee that’s been going HAM on the flowers outside of my office window since this morning, I totally would have β€” but…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.20.20

    Fetch the bolt cutters β€” and happy super 420 β€” it’s time for some links! Star Wars Videoconferencing Backgrounds If whatever y’all are using for videoconferencing allows you to load virtual backgrounds, the official Star Wars blog has released a metric crapload of great ones. I popped into a work meeting from the Millennium Falcon…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.16.20

    While I didn’t get to cut out of work early yesterday, I did get to drink a beer by the pool. And it was everything that I thought that it could be. Maybe I can do it again today, before I start whipping up dinner. 🀞🏻 P.S. I decided to try something new with the…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.15.20

    It’s 82Β° F and clear in Bakersfield today. The sort of day that, TBH, we don’t see all that much. Late spring through early fall is, usually, oppressively hot, and late fall through early spring tends to be right above freezing. So days like today are a treat. I probably ought to cut out of…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.14.20

    It’s been one of those “lowkey overdo it on CBD, listen to white noise for five hours, and try to get work done” sort of days. Y’all have those too, right? 😬 A macOS screensaver that simulates an increasingly absurd Zoom call. I’ll stick with Brooklyn β€” lest I give myself an anxiety attack…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.13.20

    Alright, International Brotherhood of Indoor Kids! How about we get back at it?! Ugh. Do we really have to though? Mondays were already tough, but Mondays in these times are like peddling a heavy mountain bike up the steepest hill you can think of from childhood in first gear. 😞 Guess I should stop pedaling…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.10.20

    I know today is technically Friday, but the past few weeks have turned into sort of an indefinable gelatinous cube of time. It’s almost feels like I’ve managed to become unstuck in time. Completely incapable of escaping the world’s longest, mass hallucinated Wednesday. Songs for Pierre Chuvin The Mountain Goats’ first all-boombox album since All…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.09.20

    Feelin’ fine. Well, not really. Honestly, I’m starting to get really tired of being stuck inside all the time. Guess I’m not suited for long distance space travel, huh? Oh well. The mission to Mars will have to go on without me, I guess… Anyway, how about a few links? Punk Haircuts I have a…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.08.20

    How about a quick one (while he’s stuck inside)? The Cool Quarantine Henry Rollins’ new four hour long β€” 😳 β€” online radio show in conjunction with KCRW. It’s got everything: Cramps bootlegs recorded by Ian MacKaye, early Joy Division album pressings, Black Flag stories, no FCC constraints… Brooklyn Apple’s default screensavers are pretty boring,…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.07.20

    Aw shit, here we go again… Another day being an involuntary member of the International Brotherhood of Indoor Kids, another collection of links. Fat Gold Small batch olive oil from Kathryn Tomajan and author Robin Sloan. It’s usually only available as a yearly subscription β€” but they’ve just started selling individual tins, and I’m pretty…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.06.20

    Back at it again at Krispy Kreme… Hydra A browser based, live coding, video synthesis system, hosted on Glitch. There’s a ton of resources in the inline documentation if you feel like playing around with it. Or, if live coding isn’t your thing, just light a joint, put something chill on the stereo, and zone…

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.03.20

    Welcome to the maiden flight of the passing fancy! Inspired by my old friend Cory β€” and our current global pandemic β€” I’ve decided to blow the proverbial cobwebs out of the corners and try something new. Well, sort of new. When I was running this site on Blogger back in the early 2000’s, I…