The Salt & Fat guys have thrown together a fantastic list of kitchen essentials at Stock & Larder. If you’re looking to round out your cupboards — or you’re trying to come up with something for your favorite home chef this holiday season — you ought to consider checking it out.
Category: Lists
The 30 Steps To Mastery
Dear Ben Casnocha,
You totally fucking nailed it, dude.
1. Start
2. Keep going.
3. You think you’re starting to get the hang of it.
4. You see someone else’s work and feel undeniable misery.
5. Keep going.
6. Keep going.
7. You feel like maybe, possibly, you kinda got it now.
8. You don’t.
9. Keep going.Read the remainder here.
Underground Eats
File under “things I didn’t know about 505 Flower before tonight”:
- Despite almost everything else in the complex dropping their shutters after lunch, Saffron stays open until 9 PM. So now I have an option other than Subway, Carl’s Jr., Famima, The Standard or Casey’s. Even better is the fact that it’s Indian food. Which I love. So yay for Saffron!
- Speaking of Famima, they’ve got a huge one hiding down there. And it’s stocked better than the one off 6th and Grand. Their refrigerator case had a pile of extra spicy tuna rolls, the steamer was loaded with bao and the shelves were brimming with a bunch of exotic Pocky. Until the one right across the street from our building opens up, this totally is my new go-to Famima.
You might think I’m easily swayed, but both of these things (along with the fact that Weiland serves Craftsman) have pretty much redeemed that bomb shelter of a food court for me.
The Last 5 Songs I Bought On iTunes
One of the reasons I love iTunes is because it lets my sometimes questionable and eclectic music tastes be sated with a small handful of button pushes. Yeah, the DRM is a janky pile of shit — as all DRM is — but being able to scratch an itch right away is worth a buck or so to me.
So in the interest of both show and tell time and internet memes, I’m going to start something up. It might not make it any further than the bits and bytes being transferred here — but I’d like to think my few friends who I’m going to ping to do this will humor me at the very least. Who knows, maybe it’ll spread… *shrug*
So without further adieu, here are the last 5 songs I bought from iTunes:
- Dio – Holy Diver
- The Doors – Riders On The Storm
- Frank Black – Los Angeles
- Ol Dirty Bastard – Shimmy Shimmy Ya
- The Jesus And Mary Chain – Sometimes Always
And the 5 people I’m tagging for this (so long as they actually use iTunes to buy shit, that is) are:
Optimally, these people will do it and tag 5 other folks and the chain will continue. But if they don’t, whatever. I’m not going to be a hardass about it or anything.
Update: If you don’t “do” the iTMS, listing purchases from eMusic, Amazon’s new mp3 service, Bleep, or even the last few CDs you bought is totally fine by me. The emphasis is on sharing what’s been buzzing thru your skull so much that you had to get it is the point here.
Two iPhone Apps I’d Like To See
Like most of the other geeky iPhone owners out there, I’ve been playing with lately. While it’s great and all, there are two apps that would make my life complete:
- Flickr Uploader: Yeah, I know I can mail photos to Flickr — but doing it one-by-one is just too damn tedious. Besides, I hate that the built-in mail client shrinks photos down to something “friendly”. I’m not quite sure about anyone else, but being able to check off multiple photos and send full resolution versions of them in a batch while I’m at an event would be optimal for me.
- Client: I’ve been wanting to upload my on-the-go listening habits to ever since I bought an iPod a few years back. Now that we’ve got an iPod that has always-on internet, why shouldn’t this be possible?
I’m sure that I’m not the only one who would find these applications useful. So who wants to pool together a little money to put a bounty out for them?
Update 1: So it’s not as elegant as I’d like, but iFlickr is a start as far as Flickr uploaders go.
Update 2: I’ve actually had a chance to install the iFlickr package. And after playing with it for a little while, I’ve ended up uninstalling it. Let’s just say it needs plenty of work before I’ll run it again. -
Damn. I’ve been a busy bee tonight…
- Wrote the first Preshrunk post in almost 3 months.
- Customized my Virb profile.
- Ran a handful of new stuff on tinyblip.
- Upgraded the rest of my sites to WordPress 2.2.
- Made it to the gym and actually worked out.
Sadly, I can’t remember the last time I pulled off that much stuff in an evening. All I know is that it feels good to be productive for a change. Perhaps I can manage to keep it up.
Checklist For My Day Off
Charge DS Lite so I can play some Castlevania: Portrait Of Ruin.
Pick t-shirt for tonight’s Preshrunk post.
Write tonight’s Preshrunk post.
Find and download last 5 episodes of my guilty pleasure via BitTorrent.
Watch as many of episodes of said guilty pleasure as I can in an attempt to catch up.
Go get a haircut.
Be so unhappy with your new haircut that you go home and shave it all off.
Vow to never go to that salon again.
Change sheets.
Make much needed Ikea run.
Can’t Get You Out Of My Head
This isn’t a music blog or anything, but for whatever reason I can’t seem to stop playing these songs over the past week. So I thought I’d share them with the lot of you. Sharing, after all, is caring…
- Interpol – Evil — This is probably one of my favorite Interpol songs out of their entire catalog. Enough people have said that they have a very Joy Division sound at times — to the point where it sounds a bit cliche — and I think this song does a good job drawing a line between the two groups.
- Colin Meloy – Jack The Ripper — I really enjoy what Colin from The Decemberists has done with this Morrissey track. In fact, I really enjoy the whole Colin Meloy Sings Morrisey EP, but this one is quickly replacing Everyday Is Like Sunday as my favorite.
- New Order – Age Of Consent — Speaking of songs quickly replacing one another as favorites, I’ve been swayed towards liking this song a bit more than Temptation. I’m not sure if it’s just because of current circumstances or whatever, but I feel like I really identify with it.
The senduit links expire in a week. If you want them, grab them quickly.
Five Things
My friend Justin has gone and tagged me with the “Five Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me” meme that’s been making its way around the internets. Since I never met a meme that I didn’t like — although I refrain from participating in a lot of them here — I feel I’d be letting myself down if I didn’t do this one. Here goes nothing…
- I’m an ordained minister by way of the Universal Life Church. Apparently this means that I can marry you to somebody or something if you want me to.
- I went to an elementary school that was Kindergarten thru 7th Grade. From 1st Grade until 5th Grade, I was in a Language Arts/English class two grades higher that what I should have been in. When they ran out of someplace to send me in 6th Grade, they just shoved me back into 6th Grade English. I’ve had little patience for the California public school system ever since.
- I have a third nipple. Get me drunk enough and I’ll show it to you.
- My favorite time of day is the 5 minutes or so that I get to myself before I fall asleep. It’s not that I like being alone — in fact the very thought of being truly alone frightens me a bit — it’s just that I enjoy that few minutes of silence as a moment to reset myself and reflect.
- I don’t like reptiles. It’s not that I’m afraid of them — it’s just that I don’t trust them. Never have, never will…
Four More Fake Indie Bands
I’m trying to figure out if four is enough of something to be considered a “list” — but since I can’t seem to come up with any more names right now, I really don’t care. So without further adieu, here’s a few more awesome fake band names for your ass:
- The Run-On Sentences
- Rural Juror
- Short Focus
- I Seem To Be A Verb
As always, feel free to use them if you want to…