Category: Lists

  • Stock & Larder

    The Salt & Fat guys have thrown together a fantastic list of kitchen essentials at Stock & Larder. If you’re looking to round out your cupboards — or you’re trying to come up with something for your favorite home chef this holiday season — you ought to consider checking it out.

  • The 30 Steps To Mastery

    Dear Ben Casnocha, You totally fucking nailed it, dude. 1. Start 2. Keep going. 3. You think you’re starting to get the hang of it. 4. You see someone else’s work and feel undeniable misery. 5. Keep going. 6. Keep going. 7. You feel like maybe, possibly, you kinda got it now. 8. You don’t.…

  • Underground Eats

    File under “things I didn’t know about 505 Flower before tonight”: Despite almost everything else in the complex dropping their shutters after lunch, Saffron stays open until 9 PM.  So now I have an option other than Subway, Carl’s Jr., Famima, The Standard or Casey’s.  Even better is the fact that it’s Indian food.  Which…

  • The Last 5 Songs I Bought On iTunes

    One of the reasons I love iTunes is because it lets my sometimes questionable and eclectic music tastes be sated with a small handful of button pushes. Yeah, the DRM is a janky pile of shit — as all DRM is — but being able to scratch an itch right away is worth a buck…

  • Two iPhone Apps I’d Like To See

    Like most of the other geeky iPhone owners out there, I’ve been playing with lately. While it’s great and all, there are two apps that would make my life complete: Flickr Uploader: Yeah, I know I can mail photos to Flickr — but doing it one-by-one is just too damn tedious. Besides, I hate…

  • Productivity

    Damn. I’ve been a busy bee tonight… Wrote the first Preshrunk post in almost 3 months. Customized my Virb profile. Ran a handful of new stuff on tinyblip. Upgraded the rest of my sites to WordPress 2.2. Made it to the gym and actually worked out. Sadly, I can’t remember the last time I pulled…

  • Checklist For My Day Off

    Charge DS Lite so I can play some Castlevania: Portrait Of Ruin. Pick t-shirt for tonight’s Preshrunk post. Write tonight’s Preshrunk post. Find and download last 5 episodes of my guilty pleasure via BitTorrent. Watch as many of episodes of said guilty pleasure as I can in an attempt to catch up. Go get a…

  • Can’t Get You Out Of My Head

    This isn’t a music blog or anything, but for whatever reason I can’t seem to stop playing these songs over the past week. So I thought I’d share them with the lot of you. Sharing, after all, is caring… Interpol – Evil — This is probably one of my favorite Interpol songs out of their…

  • Five Things

    My friend Justin has gone and tagged me with the “Five Things You Probably Don’t Know About Me” meme that’s been making its way around the internets. Since I never met a meme that I didn’t like — although I refrain from participating in a lot of them here — I feel I’d be letting…

  • Four More Fake Indie Bands

    I’m trying to figure out if four is enough of something to be considered a “list” — but since I can’t seem to come up with any more names right now, I really don’t care. So without further adieu, here’s a few more awesome fake band names for your ass: The Run-On Sentences Rural Juror…

  • Pitchfork Friendly Band Names, Part Tres

    Next time you want to out cool your one friend who brags about downloading the Gnarls Barkley album “months before it was released here in the U.S.”, try dropping any of these fake band names into a conversation: The Iron-On Letters Scotland Yard Cancer Omega Kerouac Burst Into Flames Oh, they’re good — but have…

  • My Twttr Ponies

    Like any good internet beta whore, I just started using twttr. And while it’s pretty cool and rather promising, there are a few things that I really wish it had… For starters, a simple JavaScript based badge would be nice. While Flash is nice for some things, I really don’t think I need to load…

  • Good Weekend

    I compelled to do a proper post about the weekend Sarah and I had — but everything I’ve written down doesn’t seem to do it justice. Instead, I’m just going to borrow from my gal’s playbook and do a stream of consciousness type list of some of my favorite memories from our weekend together… Walking…

  • A Few More Pitchfork Friendly Band Names

    Emotional Gelato The Spoilers 25 Minutes To Glendale Utah Valley Mall Walkers Association Power Droid

  • Top 5 T-Shirts Of 2005

    I’m sure I should probably post these on Preshrunk, but it’s not back up just yet. *shrug* It will be soon enough… 1. Gravedigger’s Picnic 2. Wu Members 3. Johnny Cash Is A Gangsta 4. Goatse 5. Creative Commies

  • Top 5 Comestibles Of 2005

    1. Henry’s Turkey on Wheat Roll As far as I’m concerned the sandwiches from Wild Oats sister market Henry’s could kick the ass of Quiznos and Subway any day of the week. 2. Naked Juice Blue Machine This is the year I fell in love with Naked Juice. And while I love more flavors than…

  • Pitchfork Friendly Band Names

    Lorem Ipsum Scooter Libby You Guys Are No Fun Anymore Sandy Duncan’s Eye A Triumph Corollary Mercy Killing At The Mall Modern Danza Self-Titled P.S. Yes, I’m aware Sandy Duncan’s Eye was a band in the early 90’s that had something to do with Steve Albini. It’s just, well, I really like the name. P.P.S.…