I am very jealous of Sarah’s new coffee mug…
I am very jealous of Sarah’s new coffee mug…
I understand putting a little milk in one’s coffee — but “lightener” just sounds nasty.
It’s gas prices like these (spotted last night on the corner of Cahuenga and Franklin in Hollywood) that make me really glad that I take the Red Line to work.
It should be noted that I filled up on Monday in northernmost Orange County for $4.13 for regular — so this station is likely gouging a bit due to its proximity to the freeway and tourist spots — but that doesn’t really matter. This sign feels like a fairly decent indicator of what’s to come.
Now if you’ll excuse me, it looks like it’s time to go price out a bicycle…
So I just stumbled onto Pushr via Installer.app tonight. After playing with it for a few minutes, I’ve gotta say that I feel like I’m getting close to my holy grail as far as Flickr apps go.
Okay, so I can’t select which photos I want to upload or give them titles or tags — so we’re more like 25% of the way there. But what Pushr does do is force everything in my Camera Roll onto Flickr at full resolution. And let me tell you, having the capability to do that is pretty damn sweet. So long as I’m near a WiFi hotspot, I’d much rather do a few quick edits via the web after uploading what I’ve got rather than use iFlickr as a replacement for the Camera app — which forces uploads after taking pictures without any real chance to approve the shot.
Of course, that’s just my personal preference tho…
Since I work primarily in support, I read a lot of email day in and day out. After a while you start to pick up patterns. One day, my coworker Mike P. started to notice that an awful lot of folks finished their emails with the phrase “Please advise.” So much so that he started to keep a tally with a red sharpie and a piece of printer paper behind his desk.
Every time somebody in the office would get a message that contained the terse ending, we’d holler a “Please advise!” in the direction of his desk and he’d get to tallying. Mind you, this is a guy who knows perl and has access to our internal database. He could write a script to keep a running tally if he wanted to — but it’s just more fun for us to do it this way.
So in the interest of flogging a dead horse, I’ve gone ahead and crafted the “please advise” shirt. The plan is to wear it into work at semi-regular intervals for a good laugh every now and again. Well, at least until it stops being funny. I guess I’ll have to string it out if I want it to have any staying power.
Now I just have to figure out what to do with all of these left over letters…
underbunny? Back in the early days of Flickr her photos gave folks these wonderfully haunting peeks inside the world of undertaking. And even tho I didn’t realize that she hadn’t posted anything since November of 2005 until just a few minutes ago, seeing her name on my contact list made me feel like throwing that question out there…
So, does anyone have an idea of where she went?
Sneaker people freak me out sometimes with their levels of obsessiveness — and that’s saying a lot seeing as how I’m a huge t-shirt nerd — but I’ve gotta admit that they pretty much have the whole display thing down pat.