Exercising your rights is an awesome thing — even if you do it at the last possible minute. Hopefully those of y’all in the U.S. took the opportunity to vote today too…
Speaking of art exhibits, Sarah and I took a day trip from Bakersfield last weekend to go attend Coop‘s Brand Recognition opening at sixspace.
It was something that I promised Sarah that we could go do and I’m glad that I got the chance to take her to do it. As a reformed rockabilly, she was so excited to get to meet Coop in the flesh. She seemed to beam for most of the day — from the trip out, thru the exhibit itself and during our victory dinner of Monte Cristo sandwiches at Jerry’s.
I’m really happy when I get the opportunity to show Sarah why I love LA so darn much — and I’m even more happy to see her loving it too.
I received this communique in my fortune cookie at the Chinese place today — and I’m still trying to figure out what the hell it means.
It doesn’t even make sense if you add “…in bed” to the end of it!
P.S. Is it bad when your boss chuckles and says, “I’m sure you can spin that into a pretty good entry for your blog.” upon hearing of said fortune?
It looks like Flickr has finally managed to make it out of Beta!
So does this mean they’ve gone 1.0? Nope. They moved on up to Gamma.
*sigh* Those cheeky bastards…
FYI: The 99 Cents Only Store is a wonderful place to pick up recently expired 35MM film. In fact, I just picked up 5 rolls of Fuji Superia [24 exposure, ISO 100] that had a “process before” date of September 2005 for 99 cents each.
So while I do know that expired stock can give some funky results, I’m sort of curious as to how old the film should be before I start using it. You know, for maximum effect…
Suggestions anyone?