While I’m really happy with the Safari 4 beta, I was a little dismayed to find that Mail.app started dying shortly after the update. The system’s complaint was that GrowlMail was causing a problem that made Mail.app become hella unstable.
So what was their suggestion? Turn GrowlMail off until there was an update for it. And that’s all well and good for most people — but since I hide my dock and am expected to pay at least a little bit of attention to my mail client at work, I’d rather not wait around for a fix.
Fortunately, the Growl forums came up with a solution that requires only cutting and pasting a simple line into Terminal.app:
defaults write com.apple.mail GMSummaryMode -int 2
This can also be achieved by setting GrowlMail to display summaries instead of message excerpts. If Mail.app keeps crashing on you tho, it’s a little hard to do that.
So if you need a fix, now you’ve got one.