Tag: rant

  • Bad Gas

    It’s gas prices like these (spotted last night on the corner of Cahuenga and Franklin in Hollywood) that make me really glad that I take the Red Line to work. It should be noted that I filled up on Monday in northernmost Orange County for $4.13 for regular — so this station is likely gouging…

  • The Importance of Being Earnest

    A few days ago Michael Arrington dropped a piece of his Silicon Valley into my LA by throwing an absolutely massive party down here. And after talking things over with friends and spending some time thinking about the events of the evening I’ve realized that they are two great tastes that don’t really taste all…

  • Phone Etiquette

    Dear Unidentified Caller, If you’re gonna call me more than half a dozen times from an unlisted number over the course of 10 minutes, please have the dignity to leave a fucking message. If you really wanted to talk to me, you would have the common decency to do that at the very least. KTHXBYE,…

  • Road To Zune

    Instead of trying to build an iPod killer, why don’t companies try to build something that defines a new space for a change?

  • Why Is WordPress So Sexy?

    Psst… I fidgeted with the layout on Preshrunk. Actually, all I really did was find a really sexy WordPress template and tweaked it to my liking — but I’m pretty sure I’ll keep this design up for a while. At least until everyone and their brother starts using it on their own sites. When I…

  • Dear Capital One,

    Thanks for sending me that really nifty Platinum card with the modestly hefty limit and the decent APR. That was really nice of you. But why do you have to make it so hard to do a balance transfer between my old Capial One card and my new one? Is it really necessary for me…