Tag: travel

  • Experimental Jet Set

    For somebody who spends most of his free time jockeying a laptop, I’ve actually got a semi-busy social week ahead of me: Tomorrow night is April’s BarCamp LA Geek Dinner at Shakey’s in Hollywood. While I’m not so much of a fan of Shakey’s grub, I’m really looking forward to hanging out with the BarCampers…

  • Shall We Play A Game?

    I’m running up on the Yay Area at the end of the month to see LCD Soundsystem — as well as a few friends — and I’d really like to put my name in the hat for a round of Faceball if at all possible. My inner masochist thinks it’d be worth making the trip…

  • Travel Sick

    After spending seven and a half hours on the road — three of which were in LA traffic I might add1 — I’m set up on the fold out at Frazier’s downright palatial Oaktown lair. Tomorrow is WordCamp, where Frazier and I will will be representing Hipster Mafia2. What that means is him and I…

  • 104 Miles Later

    Dear San Diego, I’ve landed. Love, Jason

  • Lobbying For Dollars

    It’s settled… I’m crashing the lobby at Emerging Tech on Wednesday and Thursday to mingle with the big shot internet types and maybe get a few leads for jobs. If I can manage to weasel my way into a party or two, all the better… ;) So if you want to grab a cup of…

  • Overwhelming

    What with losing my job, putting in my resume at a dozen places, driving 120 miles, watching “Dave Chappelle’s Block Party”, spending 3 hours trying to check into a series of hotels in Bakersfield, meeting my amazing new girlfriend‘s lovely parents, going to the deadliest mall in Southern California, driving another 100 miles, talking with…

  • Sloganeering

    I may have come up with a new slogan for Oakland International Airport while sitting in the bar waiting for my flight… “All the charm of a bus terminal, plus airplanes!” No? *shrug* I think it’s clever.

  • Ebony And Irony

    You know what’s funny? Going to Flickr’s birthday party toting two cameras and realizing that you hadn’t taken a single photo. Also keep in mind that going to the party is one of the reasons that I flew up for the weekend. *shrug* C’est la vie. At least I finally got to meet Heather in…

  • Oaktown

    I made it to Click’s place in one piece. We ran around and got indian food, gelato and beers* in Berkeley. Tomorrow we run around SF until Flickr’s Birthday Party at 7pm. Hopefully I’ll get to see Frazier for lunch. If you want to see me while I’m in town [or will be at the…

  • SNA to OAK

    Look out San Francisco, I’m headed straight for you… Well, actually since I’m staying over at Click’s place I guess I’ll offically be in Oakland. *shrug* Let’s not worry about the technicalities, okay? The only plans I’ve made so far is going to Flickr’s Birthday Party on Saturday night and hanging out with click for…