Category: Events

  • Ebony And Irony

    You know what’s funny? Going to Flickr’s birthday party toting two cameras and realizing that you hadn’t taken a single photo. Also keep in mind that going to the party is one of the reasons that I flew up for the weekend. *shrug* C’est la vie. At least I finally got to meet Heather in…

  • Oaktown

    I made it to Click’s place in one piece. We ran around and got indian food, gelato and beers* in Berkeley. Tomorrow we run around SF until Flickr’s Birthday Party at 7pm. Hopefully I’ll get to see Frazier for lunch. If you want to see me while I’m in town [or will be at the…

  • Choices

    Man, I need to figure out how to pull off doing both Lebowski Fest West and BarCamp LA. In fact, I almost feel like Jack Tripper did when he had a date with two hot girls on the same night. And while I know that was pretty much every other episode of Three’s Company, I’m…

  • Should I Stay Or Should I Go?

    I’m trying to figure out if I should attend SXSW 2006. Apparently, admission goes up after the 30th – so I guess I should try to figure this out as quickly as possible.

  • How I Spent My Summer Vacation

    I know some of y’all might not get much of a rise out of DOUCHE or NOT – but I still think it’s one of the best things to come out of Webzine 2005. Well, that and getting to watch a cute, nekkid girl get bound in saran wrap and covered in stickers. But that’s…

  • You Know What’s Sexy?

    Hosted WordPress. Seriously, beg or steal yourself an invite if you must. And from what I’ve seen of WordPress 1.6 I’m pretty sure I’ve found a tool to get me to move the fuck off Blogger for good. It’s not that Blogger’s been bad to me, but I’m finally growing up enough to want more.…