Category: General

  • Still Waiting To Get More

    *grumble* I haven’t been able to pull a data connection on my Sidekick since a little bit before 11 this morning.

    Thankfully, it doesn’t look like I’m the only one having a problem. *shrug* I guess there’s no need for me to waste the next hour on hold to find out that T-Mobile is already aware of the issue, is there?

    Update: Back online as of about 1:55pm. I’m still a bit peeved, but at this point I’m just happy to be back online.

  • Bit Rot – 10.31.05

    + After buying the first three issues in stores, I finally got around to subscribing to Make. What’s nice is they’re offered complimentary digital editions that I can browse thru as of today.

    It’s pretty cool to be able to flip thru a magazine weeks before it makes its way to my mailbox.

    + I’m testing out the Akismet anti-spam plugin for WordPress. It seems interesting, but until I get a little more traffic and comments I won’t be sure of exactly how well it’s working…

  • Looking Back

    Two years ago today I lost one of my best friends to a motorcycle accident.

    I still miss you, B. And with everything that’s been going on lately, I really wish you were still around. You were my most sympathetic ear and one of the kindest souls I’ve ever known.

    I have a feeling that I’m not going to be very pleasant to be around today.

  • Battles

    Duane: You know what they say about love and war.
    Tim: Yeah. One involves a lot of physical and psycological pain and the other one’s war.

    *sigh* Oh Spaced, how I adore thee.

  • In Bed…

    “This is a prosperous time of life for you.”

    Sometimes fortune cookies make mediocre Chinese food worthwhile.

  • Bit Rot – 10.12.05

    + Ooooh, Termite looks like it’s going to be a pretty sweet open source feed reader.

    + The fact that there’s an honest to goodness Serenity Role Playing Game makes me happy. It’s almost enough to make me want to break out my box o’ dice.

    + I can’t think of anything less punk than a weather forecast button set. But for some reason, I still want it.

    + Enablr might actually help me get a thank you note out to my grandparents this Christmas. I need to add a reminder in Backpack so I don’t forget though…

  • Dear Capital One,

    Thanks for sending me that really nifty Platinum card with the modestly hefty limit and the decent APR. That was really nice of you.

    But why do you have to make it so hard to do a balance transfer between my old Capial One card and my new one? Is it really necessary for me to write a check from you to you? Why can’t I call you or go online and get something like that taken care of?

    And why in god’s name can’t I attach more than one card to my online account? Is it really necessary for me to have a separate account for each card? Wasn’t the internet supposed to make shit like managing one’s finances easy?

    I keep running into walls where I’m expecting doors and it’s getting a bit frustrating. Maybe you should spend less of my APR on David Spade not being funny and more of it on improving your customer experience. A little would go a long way.

    Thanks for your time,

  • Darker Days Ahead

    I always feel a bit sad when the seasons start making the days shorter. Even tho the number of hours in a day never really change, I feel as if I’m dependent on how much daylight I have to burn.

    On the flip side of the coin, I do adore hoodie season. So while I lose one thing, I gain another… Isn’t that how life is supposed to work?

  • 10 Years Later

    Is it bad that I have no desire whatsoever to go to my high school reunion?

    I’ve considered mailing the committee and saying “Oh, I’m so sorry. Jason’s dead.”

    I’d probably get my photo in the program if I did that.

    Besides, it’d be sort of funny to watch people freak out when I show up for the 20 year one.

  • Hello World

    So I’m not quite sure what’s going to happen with this site. I just figured setting up and playing with WordPress would be a worthwhile distraction.

    And while I really don’t need another distraction, it’s still nice to have one. It manages to keep my mind off the impending burnout that I can see poking its head above my horizon.