Category: Los Angeles

  • Shit People Say in LA

    This one’s for the locals. And the people who don’t live here but still like to laugh at the locals. [via]

  • Blinded By The Lights

    *sigh* I’ll never get tired of looking at this city all lit up.

  • Underground Eats

    File under “things I didn’t know about 505 Flower before tonight”: Despite almost everything else in the complex dropping their shutters after lunch, Saffron stays open until 9 PM.  So now I have an option other than Subway, Carl’s Jr., Famima, The Standard or Casey’s.  Even better is the fact that it’s Indian food.  Which…

  • Bye Bye, Indie

    A little more than five years after it fired up with a rather curious DJ-free playlist, Indie’s going off the airwaves in LA. And while I’ll miss being able to tune-in while driving around, I’m happy that they’re going to try to keep things going online. If I ever miss it enough while rolling thru…

  • Going Feral

    While reading Jori Finkel’s piece in the New York Times on Machine Project’s LACMA invasion, I was struck by something that Margaret Wertheim said: I don’t know of any city other than L.A. with so many feral groups. Now while she was referring to the Los Angeles art scene, this sort of applies to the tech scene here as well.…

  • Summer Sunset

    It might be the pollution that does it — but I wouldn’t trade days that end like this for anything.

  • Never Forget

    Okay, this sucks. Allegedly, the owners of the furniture store building down in HelMel painted over one of my favorite murals in Los Angeles. Now it only exists in pictures…

  • Downtown’s Secret Community Pool

    Today, the coworkers decided to celebrate the birth of our country a day early by grabbing a quick lunch by the pool at The Standard and taking a post nosh dip. Apparently, all you need to do to swim in the rooftop pool is buy a drink or grab a bite to eat. Had I…

  • Bad Gas

    It’s gas prices like these (spotted last night on the corner of Cahuenga and Franklin in Hollywood) that make me really glad that I take the Red Line to work. It should be noted that I filled up on Monday in northernmost Orange County for $4.13 for regular — so this station is likely gouging…

  • The Importance of Being Earnest

    A few days ago Michael Arrington dropped a piece of his Silicon Valley into my LA by throwing an absolutely massive party down here. And after talking things over with friends and spending some time thinking about the events of the evening I’ve realized that they are two great tastes that don’t really taste all…

  • Wither Seven Grand?

    So last night I was informed that Seven Grand is going to enforce a dress code of “collared shirts on the weekends” for the dudes in the new year. I can totally understand why they’d do that — seeing as how it’s a really nice bar and you’d want to discourage the riff-raff from hanging…