Tag: development

  • Playing with Laravel Valet

    I finally had the chance to do a little WordPress work in Laravel’s lightweight development environment Valet last week. My hot take? If you’re interested in setting it up on your Mac, there’s a solid tutorial that outlines how to get started by Tom McFarlin over at Tuts+. And if you’d like to go down the rabbit hole even further,…

  • DuoTone Themes for Atom

    While I’m normally a Solarized Dark guy — seriously, I’ve Solarized Dark’d all the things on pretty much every computer I touch — these Atom syntax themes are really pleasant. I’ve been looking to change things up lately, so I’m going to try living with darkSea for the next month. I’ll let y’all know how it goes!

  • Too Many Images

    I love single use command line tools. This one helps you determine a URL’s image weight and even lets you know where you should start optimizing.

  • WordPress Coleman

    I’ve spent a lot of time since WordCamp San Francisco thinking about Matt’s expressed desire for faster, Chrome-like automatic patching in his State of the Word. Mainly, I got caught up in the “how” of it. Like how could they balance development on the trunk alongside rapid-fire, stable core releases? Then I read about the move to develop.svn.wordpress.org & Grunt for WordPress…

  • Vagrant, Casked

    While following the directions on how to set up 10up’s wonderful dev environment for WordPress, I noticed that Vagrant was using a .pkg installer. Now there’s nothing wrong with installing software that way. Hell, doing things via a graphical installer is easier for most end users. But Vagrant isn’t really something that was made for “end…