Tag: weblogging

  • Blog Days Are Over

    Earlier this morning I confirmed the domain transfers for something that I spent almost six years of my life on. A site that I both obsessed over and neglected terribly. As of 8 AM, Preshrunk is somebody else’s baby. Saying that is a real punch in the (emotional) dick, but at least I know it’s in…

  • Goodbye Horses

    So I’ve been helping a few folks out with a Trojan that has been cropping up in a handful of WordPress installs as of late. Currently, it has been getting noticed by the good little girls and boys on Windows with virus scanners installed.  When visiting an infected site, most folks are being prompted to…

  • In Transit

    Heads up, SF peeps! This weekend I’ll be driving up to the Yay Area for WordCamp to rep both DreamHost and Preshrunk in an official capacity. As it stands, I’m driving up Friday night and crashing out at Frazier’s secret headquarters somewhere in the East Bay. Since I don’t like being part of the problem…

  • Productivity

    Damn. I’ve been a busy bee tonight… Wrote the first Preshrunk post in almost 3 months. Customized my Virb profile. Ran a handful of new stuff on tinyblip. Upgraded the rest of my sites to WordPress 2.2. Made it to the gym and actually worked out. Sadly, I can’t remember the last time I pulled…

  • Attack Of The Comment Spam

    Something that’s been really grinding my gears lately is the amount of comment spam that I’ve been seeing in my moderation queue. Despite the fact that I use the very wonderful Akismet for WordPress, sometimes it can’t keep up with the flood coming down the proverbial tubes. Something’s that’s really helped is a little bit…

  • A Burgeoning Movement

    Would anybody care that much if I migrated this site to the much easier to spell — but nowhere near as creatively named — jasoncosper.com? Right now it’s mirroring this site, but I was actually thinking of doing a move in the near future. I’d be sure to update the feed URLs with all of…

  • OPMLosAngeles

    So I was just thinking — it wouldn’t be an altogether horrible idea to get together an OPML or XOXO list of the BarCamp Los Angeles crew’s blogs, would it? If someone wants to work with me on getting this done, let me know!

  • Travel Sick

    After spending seven and a half hours on the road — three of which were in LA traffic I might add1 — I’m set up on the fold out at Frazier’s downright palatial Oaktown lair. Tomorrow is WordCamp, where Frazier and I will will be representing Hipster Mafia2. What that means is him and I…

  • My Twttr Ponies

    Like any good internet beta whore, I just started using twttr. And while it’s pretty cool and rather promising, there are a few things that I really wish it had… For starters, a simple JavaScript based badge would be nice. While Flash is nice for some things, I really don’t think I need to load…

  • Why Bloggers Love Handheld Computers

    While it may not be a handheld computer per se, this is the exact reason I bought a Sidekick. Oh Drew, you sure do have my number…

  • Why Is WordPress So Sexy?

    Psst… I fidgeted with the layout on Preshrunk. Actually, all I really did was find a really sexy WordPress template and tweaked it to my liking — but I’m pretty sure I’ll keep this design up for a while. At least until everyone and their brother starts using it on their own sites. When I…

  • Unfocused Group

    So while I love the look and feel of Hemingway and it seems to be working okay on Preshrunk, I think I’m going to need to go elsewhere for my templating needs. It’s nothing personal, honest… The only breakdown is the fact that I really need to start throwing some ads up1 but every tweak…