The Decision

I know things are normally pretty quiet around here. But I have some actual, legitimate news. In just a couple weeks, I’ll be joining the Managed WordPress team at Liquid Web as their Senior Performance Engineer. It’s an opportunity for me to get out of Marketing—where I’ve been broadening my skillset since last fall—and back into implementing things that impact users. The decision to leave WP Engine was hard. In the five and a half years that I’ve been there, we’ve managed to grow the company from five employees in Austin (with me working remotely) to over four hundred and fifty across five offices in the US and Europe. I’m incredibly proud of what they’ve been able to build, as well as the hand that I’ve had in helping to do that. However, when the opportunity came to work with the team that Chris Lema has put together, I couldn’t pass it up. It was simply too exciting. So exciting that I don’t even know what else to say without turning this into a big, rambling, 4500-word post. Seriously. The previous revisions of this draft post go to some really weird places. And because I’m not really interested in tying my disjointed ideas together right now, I’ll spare everyone the word salad and post a GIF of how I’m feeling instead. Maybe I’ll digest things a bit more and write about all of this later. Considering the last post I did here was in March, probably not. But hey, here’s to future aspirations…




6 responses to “The Decision”

  1. Tina Todorovic

    Congratulations Jason!

    I am excited to see all the new stuff that you, Chris Lema and Jeff King will bring to Liquid Web.

    Hope to see you soon on some business/WordPress related conference!

  2. Jaki Levy

    Congratulations! I remember one of the earliest support calls I had with you when WP Engine was just getting off the ground. You were running an errand with your wife and kid and called me back on a weekend to fix a security issue. Total. Pro. Thanks​ for all the work, time, and effort you put in, not only to WP Engine, but into the WordPress Community during that time. Can’t wait to see what you do over at Liquid Web!

  3. Lowell Vaughn
    Lowell Vaughn


  4. Kyle Maurer

    Congrats man! The team over there just got all kinds of awesomer.

  5. Jon Trujillo

    Congratulations man!

  6. Michael James

    Wow! That’s huge news Jason!

    Looks like our interview was one of your last “duties” with WP Engine. LOL.

    Congrats and best wishes on your new gig! Hope to talk to you in the future all about Liquid Web.