Category: General

  • Batman ’66

    Every single image over at The Batman ’66 Project puts a gigantic smile on my face. But the one above made me laugh. Out loud. [via]

  • Defective Comics

    There’s not really a lot to look at as of now, but — due to the delightfully ridiculous application of Batman to the most suburban of settings — Defective Comics by Daniel Danger & Olly Moss just became my new favorite Tumblr site.

  • You Are Exactly Where You Need to Be

    I need to remind myself of this sometimes. Especially when life gets complicated and I’m feeling overwhelmed. Thanks for making that, Morley.

  • Plimpton & Hemingway

    He keeps track of his daily progress—“so as not to kid myself”—on a large chart made out of the side of a cardboard packing case and set up against the wall under the nose of a mounted gazelle head. The numbers on the chart showing the daily output of words differ from 450, 575, 462,…

  • WTF by the Numbers

    Mitchell Scherr has done a statistical breakdown of what Marc Maron calls his listeners during the intro for WTF over the past 50 episodes. I’ve always really enjoyed hearing “What the fuckstables.” so any time I can see that in print, I’m happy…

  • Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

    Hey. How’s it going? I’ve got some pretty major news that I’ve been sitting on for a while now, but the time has come where I can finally share it. Ready? Okay. Here we go… After October 26th, I will no longer work with the very amazing and inspiring people at DreamHost. Considering that I’ve been…

  • Hipster Ipsum: The T-Shirt

    Huh. Someone went and made a t-shirt inspired by Hipster Ipsum. And they even gave it the Experimental Jetset treatment. It only appears to be on sale for the next 6 hours tho. And even after the AUD to USD conversion, it’s still pretty close to $40. So if you want it and don’t mind…

  • On Being A Sellout

    Damn. It’s been kind of a big week for Hipster Ipsum. Like linked on Kottke, Boing Boing, swissmiss & the Urban Outfitters blog big. While I never intended for it to be anything more than something a few friends would laugh at, all of this attention is compelling me to add a couple new features. Hopefully…

  • Wordthumb

    For the folks who don’t have the time or the technical knowledge to change over to the Post Thumbnail support built into WordPress, WordThumb (a secure fork & rewrite of TimThumb) should make tightening up your sites a bit easier. [via]

  • This Comment Intentionally Left Blank

    So I’ve started running into some folks who have been getting comment moderation emails from their WordPress installs that look like this: From: WordPress <> Date: May 12, 2011 16:20 Subject: [WordPress] Please moderate: “Hello World!” To: A new comment on the post “Hello World!” is waiting for your approval Author : (IP:…

  • The Ol’ Switcheroo

    After a year of running this domain under nginx with XCache, I’ve decided to roll things back over to Apache for the time being. While nginx has been great when it came to system resources, I’ve never been able to get it to play nicely with Super Cache. I mean, things were caching just fine — but…

  • Jobs in Carbonite

    Fucking. Epic. Oh, it’s also happens to be available as an iPhone case or skin. You know, if you’re into that sort of thing.

  • Blog Days Are Over

    Earlier this morning I confirmed the domain transfers for something that I spent almost six years of my life on. A site that I both obsessed over and neglected terribly. As of 8 AM, Preshrunk is somebody else’s baby. Saying that is a real punch in the (emotional) dick, but at least I know it’s in…

  • Something Bold, Something New

    In the little bit of spare time I’ve had over the past week, I’ve been helping Sarah set up a new site. It’s called Something Bold — and it’s totally awesome! Now I’m not just saying that because Sarah’s my wife and I’m trying to be a supportive husband. I actually love the shit out…

  • What Would Kubrick Do?

    I posted this above my desk today to serve as a sort of simple reminder. I’m not quite sure what it’ll encourage me to do (outside of perhaps using more Futura) but I’m sure it’ll get the creative juices flowing a bit more.

  • Karmic Koala

    An (apparently) unnecessary reinstall of Ubuntu 9.10 allowed me to clean up my netbook a bit. Fortunately, the fresh install was a snap. All I had to do was copy the few files I wanted to keep into my Dropbox, wait for it to update and reinstall from my USB keychain drive with impunity. While…

  • Summer Skin

    Thanks to the release of (Nerd)Press, I’ve switched up the site’s theme a little bit.  And while the jumbo header and splash of Colourise will be sorely missed, I’ve gotta say that I’m really enjoying its super minimal replacement.  Not only does it elegantly tuck comments out of sight — without disabling them completely, I might add…

  • Dear Natalie Portman,

    I consulted VW’s RoutanBabymaker3000, and it seems to think that we’d have great looking kids.  Don’t believe me?  Take a look for yourself: Now I know you’ve got a thing for quirky bearded dudes. Well, you might. For all I know, that was just a phase. Hopefully it wasn’t tho — because I’m way into college educated actresses…

  • Getting Thematic

    As I posted to Twitter earlier, I’ve decided to join the fray and shrug off new year’s resolutions by instead adopting a theme word for 2009.  My choice was: follow-through Why?  Well, to be honest, when it comes to follow-through, I’ve historically been sort of selective.  Get me working on something that I’m passionate about…

  • The Return of Eraserhead

    It might be a time for a trim when, after the company holiday party, your boss wanders into your office and says: Jason, it’s great to see you upright with your head on straight.  [long pause]  Your hair still must be drunk tho… Oh hat head, I hate you so.