Category: General

  • You Know, Legally…

    Yer gonna git what I'm givin' to ya!

    There are days when I really love my job. Today was one of them.

    P.S. If you think this is even remotely funny, please Digg the shit out of this.

  • Feel The Warmth

    A full beard. + 110 degree heat. = No fun.

    If everyone wasn’t so damn used to it, I’d have no problems shaving it all off. But alas, it’s one of those things that makes me who I am.

    *shrug* C’est la vie.

  • War… What Is It Good For?

    Taking a Nerf dart straight to the eye and having it suction on is no fun whatsoever.

    Despite apologizing profusely, the coworker who did it to me will pay dearly…

    P.S. Don’t worry, I’m not blind or anything. Things are just sort of blurry out of my left eye.
    P.P.S. Actually, my vision’s cleared right up. My eye still feels sort of meh, but I’m sure that’ll go away too.

  • Fireworks

    As I lay in bed and stare at the ceiling, Piccolo Petes shriek briefly before exploding loudly.

    Part of me is wishing that I didn’t volunteer to take that shift at work tomorrow.

  • Ambition

    Fuck writing the great American novel, I want to write the great American TV pilot.

  • Clean Sheets

    It’s too hot out to have flannel sheets on my bed — but for some reason, I do.

    I was thinking about putting the bamboo ones on the bed when I realized that the pillowcases are on the pillows I keep in my car. Seeing as how I probably won’t need those anytime soon, I should probably bring them inside the house and wash them. *sigh*

  • Mimicry

    It may be dark outside — well, as dark as it can get in the suburbs — but there’s a chirping bird outside my window. And it almost sounds like a car alarm being armed.

    I wonder what that sound means in bird speak…

  • Perfect

    What the fuck is wrong with me?

    I’ll tell you what’s wrong with me. I lie. To everyone. Tiny, intricate white lies that pile on top of one another until they fall over and crush me. Since I’ve never been one for being crushed, it’s time to start coming clean…

    I’m 28 years old and I live at home with my folks. I always have. I’ve never lived anywhere else save for the room that my brother and I shared until he moved out at 17. I’ve never had any sort of roommate other than him. I probably could have afforded to eek out a pretty shitty existence in a tiny studio apartment eating ramen for the past couple years, but that never sounded all that appealing. Before that I’d had enough amassed enough debt that I couldn’t manage to even think about doing anything like that.

    Thru all of this, my folks have been wonderful and understanding — but I know I need to get out there and be an adult. Other than the past 9 months worth of car payments and insurance, I don’t think I have an ounce of adult responsibility in me. And as far as I’m concerned, that’s not good.

    Some of you already know this. But almost everyone I’ve met in the past few years has been fed a mistruth when my living situation comes up for discussion. I tell people that I lived on my own for a bit, but I moved home to help with my mom after she came out of the hospital. This way, I come off like the good son instead of the loser who has been too afraid and broke to leave the nest. Sometimes the lie changed a tiny bit to suit the audience, but for the most part, that was it.

    [To keep myself from sounding too horrible, my mom did go into the hospital a few years back. And when she got out, I was here to help her recover — but I never moved back like I said I had. I’m not a monster, honest.]

    So for those of you who I told this to, I’m sorry. Please forgive me for not being able to man up and tell you about my situation. I know in a lot of cases, it’s not that big of a deal. But in one case, it may have cost me the trust and love of the only girl who has ever managed to love me as much as I love her.

    I’d get into it more, but I really don’t have the strength or the will to write another word about it. I’m running on autopilot at this point. Besides, it’s a private issue for the most part. I just figured that if I was going to come clean with her, I may as well come clean with you guys too.

    I’m sorry Sarah. I’m sorry everyone. If you feel like you can’t trust me anymore, I understand.

    It looks like my insecurities have gotten the better of me yet again. And while I know that it’s easier said than done, it’s time to shed those insecurities and grow up. It’s time for me to be a man.

  • Let’s Post It Out, Bitch

    Summer TV can be sort of abysmal, so I’m really glad Entourage is back. Between OnDemand and reruns, I must have watched the first two seasons at least six times each since the show went into hibernation for the winter back in September of last year.

    Since I know that I only have a few months worth of new Ari Gold related dicketry and Johnny Drama/Turtle insults to soak up, I’m going to appreciate them while I have the chance. I’ve already watched last week’s season opener four times in the last week. And I’m sure I’ll throw tonight’s episode on a few times over the course of this next week.

    What can I say? I’m sort of addicted.

    Now that I’ve got that all of that gushing bullshit out of the way, how much of this season are we going to blow on Aquaman? I mean, not that it matters or anything — I just want to find out what the fuck happened with Queens Boulevard. And if they could let us know how the whole Turtle managing Saigon thing is going too, that’d be sort of nice…

  • Why Is WordPress So Sexy?

    Psst… I fidgeted with the layout on Preshrunk.

    Actually, all I really did was find a really sexy WordPress template and tweaked it to my liking — but I’m pretty sure I’ll keep this design up for a while. At least until everyone and their brother starts using it on their own sites.

    When I showed the new layout to Matt, he remarked:

    Matt: WP templates out there are so good
    Matt: it seems stupid to custom design anything

    And you know what? I’m inclined to agree. I only spent half an hour switching up some colors in CSS and fixing a few grammatical errors in the post data at the bottom of the page before I considered it ready. To compare, when I launched the site using Blogger, I spent a few hours tweaking someone’s port of Kubrick to get it exactly the way I wanted it.

    Now I’m not trying to say that WordPress is easier to use — or even really any better — than Blogger is. Both of them have their shortcomings. But please don’t think that I’m knocking Blogger. I was a paid Blogger Pro user back in the day. And up until a several months ago, I thought I’d be using it forever. So needless to say, I have plenty of love and respect for them.

    What I think I’m getting at here tho is that the WordPress community has quite a few more passionate designers than the general Blogger community does under its belt. Sure, Google can afford to hire Zeldman, Cederholm and Shea — but they don’t even use Blogger to run their own sites. Can you even name one resource for Blogger templates other than the default ones that are provided for you? I know I can’t.

    The people who are releasing all of these beautiful WordPress templates on the other hand, actually manage to use the software on a pretty regular basis. They know how to hack their way around the extensive template available to get some pretty amazing results. Sure, the code may occasionally be a tad bit hellish to read thru when you need to do a quick tweak, but the designers are passionate about WordPress and really manages to show in their designs.

    Think about it… When was the last time you saw a Blogger design get ported over to WordPress? Yeah, I don’t seem to remember that happening either.

    Damn. I’m getting off on a rant here… Sorry about that. I could go on for a bit longer, but I’ll spare you all. Just go give the new Preshrunk a peek, okay? Cheers!