Tag: apple

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.13.20

    This content was imported from gomi no sensei, a project I briefly did during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of maintaining yet another WordPress install, I’ve decided to shove this content into the everything bucket that is my long running personal blog. 🥴

    Alright, International Brotherhood of Indoor Kids! How about we get back at it?!

    Ugh. Do we really have to though? Mondays were already tough, but Mondays in these times are like peddling a heavy mountain bike up the steepest hill you can think of from childhood in first gear. 😞

    Guess I should stop pedaling so hard and just walk the damn thing up the hill, huh?

    Twelve Hours of Satellite of Love Ambient Noise

    crysknife007’s YouTube channel is a veritable treasure trove of nerd friendly white noise, but I’ve got a soft spot for the low, rumbling background noise used on MST3K.

    Don’t forget to turn down your lights (where applicable). 😉

    Bar None

    I’ve had a Touch Bar MBP for ~3 years now, so I’ve grown to used to having a virtual function row on my machine. Hell, I’d even go so far as to say that I like my Touch Bar.

    Still, I love this tool by Shaun Inman that disables the Touch Bar unless you’re holding down the fn key. (via)

    House Industries Lettering Manual

    New book alert!

    One of my all-time favorite type foundries is publishing a gorgeous looking book — based on their wildly popular lettering workshops — that drops tomorrow.

    Totally snuck up on me, but I’m glad Mike tipped me off to it.


    An open source fantasy computer for game development, with an inexpensive — and totally optional, but still useful — Pro version.

    🤔 Wonder if I can manage to get this running on my old PocketCHIP… (via)

    Pro Chefs Make 13 Kinds of Pantry Pasta

    I’m really glad that the Bon Appétit Test Kitchen crew are still making videos from home. Here, a whole bunch of them improvise a ton of different pantry pasta dishes.

    Social Distancing and the Resurgence of Drive-In Theaters

    I’m a great believer that mental stability is as important as physical stability. If people don’t have a certain amount of normalcy in their life, it’s going to affect them.

    John Watzke, Owner, Ocala Drive-In Theater

    I’ve got a lot of fond memories of going to the drive-in with my parents in the eighties. Double features… Sneaking in giant Tupperware bowls full of air popped popcorn and way too much butter… Bulk bags of M&Ms and Whoppers…

    If we get a mini drive-in boom over the next few months, definitely I wouldn’t be mad about it. 😃

    Okay. Bike’s up the proverbial hill. Time to coast now. See y’all again soon!

    P.S. Don’t forget, these posts are also available as a newsletter. Subscribe early and subscribe often!

  • Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables, 04.08.20

    This content was imported from gomi no sensei, a project I briefly did during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of maintaining yet another WordPress install, I’ve decided to shove this content into the everything bucket that is my long running personal blog. 🥴

    How about a quick one (while he’s stuck inside)?

    The Cool Quarantine

    Henry Rollins’ new four hour long — 😳 — online radio show in conjunction with KCRW.

    It’s got everything: Cramps bootlegs recorded by Ian MacKaye, early Joy Division album pressings, Black Flag stories, no FCC constraints…


    Apple’s default screensavers are pretty boring, TBH. To the point where I would put my display to sleep instead of dropping into one when I wander away from my desk.

    This loving recreation of animated Apple logos — taken from their Brooklyn Academy of Music event in 2018 — by Pedro Carrasco has got me using my screensaver hot corner again though. ❤️

    Is This a Sandwich?

    Classify some foods, get a personal, D&D style alignment chart.

    I got Lawful Good. Usually, in other alignment tests, I’m a Lawful Neutral — but I won’t deny that I can be a bit of a sandwich purist.

    And that, dear readers, is all he wrote.

  • Antik

    It’s a good thing the TikTok team had an analog watch module to fall back on after Apple changed the iPod nano form factor. If they decide to keep doing the whole modular watch thing, they should at least be able to change up the form factor to something a little less clunky. So that’s a blessing in disguise, right?

  • De-dupe “Open With…”

    A few weeks ago, I started seeing multiple entries for Pixelmator in the “Open With…” area of my Finder’s contextual menu. And while I thought it was weird, I didn’t find it too annoying. So I just ignored it.

    Then, last night, I saw multiple entries for Simple Comic when I was trying to open a compressed file in another app. So I did a little digging and found this simple one-line fix over at IT Pixie:

    Just copy & drop that into your terminal app of choice and let it run. Once it’s all done, Control + Option + Click the Finder icon in your dock and select “Relaunch”. Once the finder comes back, “Open With…” should be all clean.

    I’m mostly saving this here for my own benefit, but maybe it’ll help at least one other person out there.

  • CMD + Conquer

    When I started over at WP Engine earlier this week, a brand new MacBook Air came into my possession. It’s very pretty and lightweight and I kind of love it more than any other computer I’ve ever owned. So much so that I made the decision to break with my normal tradition and keep this hot little number sticker free.

    That declaration only lasted about a day and a half tho…

    Why? Well, I just came across the Command Bamboo Back from Grove. And I really want it. Like in a bad way.

    It’s not a traditional sticker tho. It’s made out of real bamboo. And the shape carved into it actually changes that (somewhat ubiquitous) glowing Apple logo into something that I love so much that I put it on me forever.

    Anyhow, they’ve got a bunch of clever and novel designs over there. If you’re looking for something a bit different, do yourself a favor and browse around their shop.

  • Omnibar? Wunderbar!

    Since I’m downright stubborn about switching to Chrome, I was really happy to see that someone had tried to emulate its location bar with Safari Omnibar. It’s got a little way to go still, but it’s got enough promise for me to keep it installed.

    Now all I have to do is break my habit of hitting CMD + L followed by a quick Tab to get me to the search field and I’ll be golden.